Custom Molded Foot Orthotics
To help your spine stay as healthy as possible thru the rigors of daily living, we also provide custom-molded orthotics and custom molded orthotic footwear. This ensures balance and stability through natural gait, especially when living on unnatural surfaces.
At In-Line Family Chiropractic, Dr. Wing personally fits you for your orthotics, so the fit is exact to match your needs. We are teamed up with The Orthotic Group, a company based and who manufactures in Canada. They have been in the business of helping correct posture and healthy feet for nearly 40 years!
We offer orthotics in the form of inserts, flip-flops, and the complete shoe! Feel free to check out their website and take a look at what would work best for you! (CLICK HERE for The Orthotic Group Website)
Call us to book your fitting with Dr. Wing today!