ShockWave Therapy
What is it & How Often do I Need SWT?
Shockwave therapy is a non-invasive, non-surgical method that uses intense acoustic-pressure waves to treat various musculoskeletal conditions. It sends high-energy waves to areas of built-up scar tissue, calcification, and overactive muscles. The energy sent to those areas promotes regeneration and reparation of the bones, tendons, and soft tissues within the area. ShockWave Therapy sessions are short, usually around 20-30 minutes in duration, and provide successful relief of chronic pain and restore mobility painlessly. Permanent relief typically begins around 72 hours post-treatment.
The number of sessions needed is dependent on the severity of the injury, ranging from 4 to 10 sessions. ShockWave therapy is repeated every 7 to 12 days, to allow for healing in between sessions.

The Benefits & Medical impacts of SWT
Blood Vessel Formation & Repair
Nutrient blood flow is vital to start and maintain the repair of damaged tissue. As a result of SWT, arterioles are developed, remodeled, and stimulated for growth. These new vessels improve blood supply, and therefore oxygenation of the treated area, initiating faster recovery/healing of muscles, tendons, and bones.
Breaks Up Zones of Calcification
Calcium build-up is often the result of micro-tears or trauma to a tendon. Using acoustic waves, SWT breaks up the existing calcifications.
Reversal of Chronic Inflammation
Chronic inflammation happens when the inflammatory response doesn’t stop completely. This can damage healthy tissue and usually ends with chronic pain. SWT uses acoustic waves to stimulate the body’s pro-inflammatory components to end chronic pain. SWT stimulates the body’s pro-inflammatory components to enhance the inflammatory process, then properly restore the body’s natural healing and regenerative processes.
Decreasing Chronic Pain
Collagen is an extremely important element of the body. It is a large part of muscle tissue, tendons, skin, etc. SWT accelerates the development of collagen in the body and influences the new collagen fibers to help reinforce tendon fibers to create a stronger, firmer structure. SWT also releases areas of tension in muscles, which also limbers up the college within the irritated muscle fibers.
Stimulating the Production of Collagen
Collagen is an extremely important element of the body. It is a large part of muscle tissue, tendons, skin, etc. SWT accelerates the development of collagen in the body and influences the new collagen fibers to help reinforce tendon fibers to create a stronger, firmer structure. SWT also releases areas of tension in muscles, which also limbers up the college within the irritated muscle fibers.
Relaxing Overreactive Muscles (Trigger Points)
Overactive muscles are the main cause of pain or uncomforted in the back, neck, shoulders, and limbs. They are associated with palpable “knots/ropes” in taut muscle fibers. Usually, the muscles are so tight that they begin to limit their own blood supply, and therefore causes waste build-up within the muscle tissue, which then causes more contraction and un-comfort.